Welcome week for New IPB Students 2nd semester 2024/2025:
17-02-2025 to 203-02-2025
The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) organizes the Reception and Welcoming Week for New Students from 17 to 20 February.
This week's program aims to contribute to the integration of New Students in IPB and the cities of Bragança and Mirandela, getting to know the mentors of the Mentoring Academy program, 2nd and 3rd year students who will support the integration of newcomers, as well as new colleagues.
The proposed scientific, cultural and sports activities are a unique opportunity to integrate and create friendships that will last throughout your journey.
Registration for the activities is free but mandatory and must be completed by february 13th : https://inqueritos.ipb.pt/?r=survey/index/sid/527473/newtest/Y/lang/pt
Welcome Week Program:
- Bragança (School of Agriculture, School of Education, School of Technology and Management and School of Health)
- Mirandela (School of Public Management, Communication and Tourism)
Welcome to Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Dear IPB new students,
We are counting on you to make the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança a better institution.
We know your value and the successful path you took to get in here, and we are very proud of the choice you made.
We will do everything to make your life pleasant, exciting and inspiring in IPB.
Because you have chosen the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, you should certainly know that you have become a part of a very special institution. The most prestigious Polytechnic Institute in the Country and with all the international ranking demonstrates that this institution has a diverse disciplinary area, it appears one of the best Institute in the world. This international recognition is a guarantee of the value for your future diploma of the high employability and personal enhancement.
But IPB is much more than just a good training school: it is an institution that promotes creativity, multiculturalism, healthy living, that cares about the IPB students and does everything to ensure that they receive comprehensive training. Above all, IPB is a community that trusts its students and IPB is proud of them.
You will surely be happy in IPB.
Orlando Isidoro Afonso Rodrigues
President of Institute Polytechnic of Braganca
This guide aims to summarize useful information for new IPB Students, with links to the pages with the detailed information available.

The Instituto Politécnico de Bragança(IPB) ( www.ipb.pt ) was created in 1983. Since that date, as a result of the contribution of several generations of students, collaborators, and teachers, and the institutions, and the external personalities, Institution has progress much in favour of a common objective of the regional and national development. In more than 40 years of history, IPB has trained more than thirty thousand graduates, becoming a fundamental agent of decentralization and democratization in access to higher education.
Constituted currently by six Schools, the IPB thus has covered the entire range of training and technical-scientific skills:
- School of Agriculture (ESA) - www.esa.ipb.pt
- School of Education (ESE) - www.ese.ipb.pt
- School of Technology and Management (ESTiG) www.estig.ipb.pt
- School of Public Management, Communication and Tourism of Mirandela (EsACT) - www.esact.ipb.pt
- School of Health (ESSa) - www.essa.ipb.pt
- School of Hospitality and Wellness of Chaves
Composition of the IPB Presidency
The President of the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança(IPB) is the highest governing body and external representative of the Institute.
The President is assisted by Vice-Presidents and Pro-Presidents.
The Institute also has an IPB Administrator and a Social Welfare Services Administrator.
Orlando Isidoro Afonso RodriguesVice-Presidents
Luis Manuel Santos PaisAlbano Agostinho Gomes Alves
Américo Vicente Teixeira LeiteAnabela Rodrigues Lourenço Martins
António José Gonçalves Mourão
Tiago Manuel Cabral dos Santos Barbosa
Vera Ferro Lebres
Student Ombudsman
Elisabete da Anunciacao Paulo MoraisAdministrator
Carla Cidália Ribeiro da CostaSocial Welfare Services Administrator
Elisabete Vicente Viegas Morgadinho Madeira CameloComposition of the school boards
School of Agriculture
Pedro Miguel Lopes Bastos
Manuel Joaquim Sabenca Feliciano
Margarida Maria Pereira Arrobas Rodrigues
School of Education
Carlos Manuel Costa Teixeira
Catarina Margarida da Silva Vasques
Mário Anibal Gonçalves Rego Cardoso
School of Technology and Management
Nuno Adriano Baptista Ribeiro
Getúlio Paulo Peixoto Igrejas
Paulo Alexandre Vara Alves
School of Public Management, Communication and
Tourism of Mirandela
Sónia Paula da Silva Nogueira
Carlos Filipe Campos Rompante da Cunha
Vítor José Domingues Mendonça
School of Health
Adília Maria Pires da Silva Fernandes
André Filipe Morais Pinto Novo
Olívia Rodrigues Pereira
School of Hospitality and Wellness of Chaves
Maria José Gonçalves Alves
Alcina Maria de Almeida Rodrigues Nunes

Scientific development, innovation and internationalization
The IPB has built the most qualified teaching staff in Portuguese polytechnic higher education, currently with more than 80% of its teaching staff having a doctorate, and is now recognized nationally and internationally for the impact and excellence of its scientific production and applied research in various areas, as attested by U-Multirank, Scimago, Clarivate Analytics and Shanghai Ranking. In 2019, this scientific excellence was attested by the classification of its Research Centres, two with the classification of Good and two with the classification of Excellent, according to the Foundation for Science and Technology, the highest entity for accreditation and funding of the national scientific system.
CoCriation for innovation is the motto of IPB's strategic plan and summarizes the vision of the future for the institution. The IPB aspires to assert itself as an innovation co-creation ecosystem, involving the scientific community and students in firm partnerships with companies and organizations, aiming to create a regional economy based on knowledge and with strong international articulation.
IPB is today a multicultural institution where 30% of its students have non-Portuguese nationality, ranking in the first positions of the European U-Multirank ranking and the Erasmus+ Program. Equally important, 25% of IPB graduates have international mobility experience during their training, a percentage already above the European Union's target for 2020 (20%).

The city of Bragança
In Bragança, there is a wide cultural offer where contemporary architecture coexists with ancestral manifestations, as Parades of Caretos and Museums exhibit both the ethnographic heritage of the region and the latest creations of consecrated artists.
To know the culture, patrimony and nature of the Bragança city, see the following page: :
More information about Bragança

The City of Mirandela
The story of Mirandela’s is marked on history on 25th May 1250, the history was marked, through the charter given by EI- Rei D. Afonso III, the municipality of Mirandela was created; a few years later, the letter of transfers was passed by El-Rei D. Dinis, on 2 September 1282.
Throughout the municipality, there is a vast archaeological, architectural, historical and religious heritage. Some examples are the prehistoric vestiges settlement, exemplified in the various megalithic monuments, and forts, some revealing the immense mining activity of exploration of copper, arsenic, and gold practiced by the people of the Bronze Age and perpetuated by the Romans who also left the marks of their occupation in the region. Some historical examples are - tunnel, pillory, bridges, churches and historical monuments.
More information about Mirandela

The City of Chaves
Located on the north border with Spain, the city of Flaviense was the scene of the most varied civilizational reminiscences of the history of Portugal. Land of remote occupations ranging from prehistory to the present day, great civilizations and cultures such as the Roman, the Visigoth, or even the Muslim passed through here. Among these civilizations, the one that most flourished in these lands behind the mountains was undoubtedly the Roman, whose worthy representative Aquae Flaviae. A land of enchantment and monumentality, expressed in its fortified settlements, castles, bridges, churches and convents, Chaves offers visitors an encounter with the history and culture of the people of the border of Alto Tâmega and the dazzle of the scenic nature that its valleys emanate.
The IPB is also present in:

How to get to IPB
Bragança has good road access to all destinations from North to the South of the country, as well as in Europe. The access is via the A4, IP2, and N103, articulating these with other main road axes.
IPB has a modern campus next to the Bragança city centre (Campus of Santa Apolónia, Alameda de Santa Apolónia 5300-253; Bragança), where the schools are located: Superior School of Agricultural, Higher School of Education, School of Technology and Management and Central Services and Social Action Services.
The Bragança School of Health is located near to the Hospital of Bragança, about 600m from the IPB Campus.
The School of Public Management, Communication and Tourism is located in the city of Mirandela (Campus do Cruzeiro - Avenida 25 de Abril) about 60 km from Bragança.
The School of Hospitality and Wellness is located in the city of Chaves (Rua Dr. Júlio Martins n.º1) about 100 km from Bragança.
By Plain
The most convinient Airport is Porto (OPO) (https://www.aeroportoporto.pt/en/opo/home) (211 Km).
There is a shuttle service between airport and the Terminal Bus of Campanhã in Porto (https://www.getbus.eu/en/porto-aeroporto-porto).
In Campanhã Terminal Bus there several buses to Bragança, Mirandela and Chaves of Rede Expressos (www.rede-expressos.pt).
Flixbus operates from Oporto airport (Arrivals) to Bragança (flixbus.pt)
Bragança Bus Station
Av. João da Cruz, 5300-141 Bragança
There is a Bus stop in front of the IPB residence in Bragança (north entrance to the campus). The last stop is at the bus station, in the city centre. The stop in front of the IPB is for arrivals only, departures are always from the bus station near City centre of Bragança.
Mirandela Bus Station
R. Dom Afonso III 278, 5370-408 MirandelaChaves Bus Station
Largo da estação, 5400-231 ChavesUrban Transport in Bragança - STUB
The city's public transport service is STUB (yellow buses). It has a network that covers a large part of the city (urban line), as well as the villages in the municipality. You can check timetables and other information on the page:
Taxi stand in Bragança City:
Av. João Cruz - Tel: 273 322 138
Estação Rodoviária - Tel: 273 322 007
Taxi stand in Mirandela City:
Parque do Império - Tel: 808 200 262Taxi stand in Chaves City:
Largo da Estação, 5400 ChavesIPB Campus Map

Each school has an international students office for incomming students. The International Relations Office is located at Central Services building.
International Relations Office
Academic Calendar
Academic Year 2023/2024:
Welcome Week for new students: 11/09/2023 a 14/09/2023
1st Semester: from 11/09/2023 to 17/02/2024
2nd Semester: from 19/02/2024 to 13/07/2024
Holidays: from 18/12/2023 to 02/01/2024 (Christmas) and from 25/03/2024 to 01/04/2024 (Easter)
In 2023/2024, each semester corresponds to 30 ECTS, and will last 19 weeks, including the evaluation period.
Mentoring Academy
Mentoring Academy program aims to contribute to the integration and academic and personal success of the students of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança. The program is divided into Mentoring, which aims the student's academic integration, Tutoring for pedagogical support and Pedagogical Training for teachers.
Mentoring Academy can help you in the integration into IPB and the city. Visit the page of Mentoring Academy for more details : https://www.mentoringacademy.ipb.pt
Health Services
In the first 90 days after your arrival, you must register sporadically at one of the health centres; As soon as you acquire the residence permit, you must go to the health centre where you register for the user number assignment.
Residence for International Students
- Residence (International) Domus Universitária I constituted a single block, at Rua R. Engº José Beça, º 18-24 - 5300-034 Bragança – 16 beds
- Residence (International) Domus Universitária II consisting of a single block, at R. Serpa Pinto, nº20 - 5300-059 Bragança – 25 beds
Is necessary to apply in the IPB Social Action Services
How to search a room for rent
You can consult the ads posted in the area surrounding the IPB Central Services building.
Search for ads on classified sites:
See ads in Facebook groups
Rent Room / House in Bragança: https://www.facebook.com/groups/679998705398883/
Houses / Apartments / Rooms for rent in Bragança: https://www.facebook.com/groups/825421167559767/
Rent rooms in Mirandela (https://www.facebook.com/Arrendar-quartos-em-Mirandela-781190408633364/)
Search House in Mirandela: https://www.facebook.com/groups/217095715073135/
Integrated accommodation and transport services for International Students:
Riskivector: https://riskivector.com/
Student Associations
Student associations organize various academic, cultural and integration activities for new students to foster the academic spirit and intellectual development for their students.
The Academic Association of IPB is organized in student associations, in each of the schools make up the IPB and each school has Student Centres organized by the course.
You can actively contribute for the future of IPB, by participating in the various activities promoted by IPB Student Associations.
IPB Academic Association (Aaipb)
Email: aaipbraganca@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aaipb/?epa=SEARCH_BOX
Student associations of IPB schools
Email: aeesabraganca@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AEESABOFFICIAL/ -
Email: aeestig.alunos@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aeestigipb/ -
Email: associacao.saude.braganca@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AE-ESSa-IPB-1034340679918739/ -
Email: Aeeseb2019@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ae.eseb/ -
Email: geral@aeesact.pt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AeEsactIpb/
IPB International Associations
African Students Association in Bragança - AEAB
https://www.facebook.com/Associação-de-Estudantes-Africanos-em-Bragança-792518937438511 and https://www.facebook.com/teamaeab/ -
IPB Brazilian Students Association - AEBIPB
https://www.facebook.com/aebipb/ -
Erasmus and International Students Association of IPB
Instagram | Facebook group | Email: aeeipboffice@gmail.com, esnbragancaoffice@gmail.com
Internet Access and Email
Activate IPB account (My config service)
Before using any IPB electronic service, you must activate your email account.
To activate the account, access the address: http://myconfig.ipb.pt and click on the link on the main page: NEW STUDENTS: Activate your password here.
To proceed with the activation of the account, consult the data provided at the bottom of the sheet containing the academic calendar for the current year (User and Reference Code), provided at the time of registration.
Wifi: Eduroam network configuration
Windows 10/11
1. Choose the Eduroam network 2. Enter the Username: Email address. (email for accessing Webmail, followed by "@alunos.ipb.pt". Example: a1234@alunos.ipb.pt) 3. Password: Password for accessing the E -mail accountAndroid
1. Choose the Eduroam network 2. EAP method: PEAP 3. Certificate: Do not validate 4. Identity: email address. (email for access to Webmail, followed by "@alunos.ipb.pt". Example: a1234@alunos.ipb.pt) 5. Password: Password for accessing the Email accountThe configuration for other operating systems can be consulted on the computer services page: http://www.ipb.pt/si in the menu Wireless Network.
You can check the email through the browser at the address: https://webmail.alunos.ipb.pt
You can also set up an email client to have permanent email access at: http://www.ipb.pt/go/i410 you can find help manuals for configuring your email client.
It is very important to check IPB's email frequently, as important academic information and notices are sent.
VPN: Access to services outside of IPB
The IPB VPN Service (Virtual Private Network) allows direct access to the Services available on the IPB Network, from an external connection (for example through an ISP connection or an EU network). other higher education institutions). It is necessary to have configured VPN access if, for example, you want to use the Online Knowledge www.b-on.pt) outside the IPB campus to carry out research work.
Configuration instructions available at: http://www.ipb.pt/go/e511
Electronic platforms
Online Services
The online services platform allows access to a set of digital services from IPB: Renewal of enrolment, inscription, payment of tuition fees, consultation of academic service history, consultation of the current account, recharging of card balance and purchase of meal vouchers.
Online services address: http://online.ipb.pt
IPB.Virtual is the IPB e-learning platform where you will have access to the contents of the curricular units, notices, messages, submission of papers, online tests, among other features.
IPB.Virtual is the main communication tool between teachers and students. Generally, whenever the content is added, messages are sent, or jobs are made available, you also receive an IPB.Virtual message on the IPB email account (unless the teacher chose not to send it by email). So, it is very important to check IPB email regularly.
IPB.Virtual address: www.virtual.ipb.pt
The timetable for each course can be consulted in PDF format on the School page, with a notice placed on the main page whenever a new version of the timetable is published.
The addresses of the schools' pages with the Schedules/Calendars are:
ESA: http://www.ipb.pt/go/e460
ESTiG: http://www.ipb.pt/go/r777
ESE: http://www.ipb.pt/go/j190
ESACT: http://www.ipb.pt/go/o816
ESSa: http://www.ipb.pt/go/o794
On the summaries platform (http://sumarios.ipb.pt) you can consult the individual timetable (of the curricular units to which you are registered).
The schedules change frequently throughout the semester, so it is important to check each Saturday if the schedule for the next week has changed (changes to the schedules are usually posted on Friday afternoon on your school website).
Summaries and Attendance
The Summaries platform summaries each curricular unit to which you are registered, the attendance/absences and the individual timetable.
You can consult the presence in the Attendance menu (Attendance is only available after the teacher inserts the summary and the class is validated by the services).
Pay attention to the limit of absences you can have. This information is available in the Pedagogical
regulation of each school. Consult your school's website:
ESA: https://esa.ipb.pt/regulamentos.php
ESTiG: http://www.estig.ipb.pt/index.php/estig/estudar-na-estig/informacao/regulamentos
ESACT: http://esact.ipb.pt/index.php/esact/alunos/informacao/regulamentos
ESE: http://www.ese.ipb.pt/index.php/ese/estudar-na-ese/regulamentos
ESSa: http://www.essa.ipb.pt/index.php/essa/alunos/regulamentos
The summary platform is available at: http://sumarios.ipb.pt
ECTS Guide
The ECTS guide provides information on the syllabus of each course and the programs of the curricular units.
The address of the ECTS guide is: www.ipb.pt/guiaects
Printing System
The acquisition, copying, and printing system allows the scanning of documents in searchable PDF format (with OCR) and sending to email; Follow Me type printing (in any of the schools) and Copy of documents.
The Printing System is integrated with the IPB Card Account (http://online.ipb.pt), and students can upload to the IPB Card account and use the balance in various services such as to copy and to print, purchase meal vouchers, among other services.
To install the print client for Windows, access the address: https://cloud.ipb.pt/d/363a71b945/
More information at: www.ipb.pt/si
Acquisition of Canteen meal vouchers
Canteen meal vouchers are purchased on Online Services: http://online.ipb.pt
To validate the meal, simply swipe the IPB Card into the reader system in the given canteen box.
More information about Meal times and prices: http://sas.ipb.pt/index.php/sas/servicos/alimentacao
Licensed academic software
Microsoft Office 365
Under the protocol with Microsoft, you can have a free license for Microsoft Office 365.
Access the Microsoft website and register using the IPB email address: https://www.microsoft.com/pt-pt/education/products/office/default.aspx
Teachers' Contacts
To search for a teacher's email and office number, access the IPB portal at www.ipb.pt and on the right side in Search for People insert the teacher's name and click on search.
You can also search on your school's website.
ESTiG also makes available the opening hours of teachers on the school's website at Times / Calendars:
ESTiG: http://www.ipb.pt/go/r777Libraries
Each IPB school has a library where you can order books and study.
In the online catalogue, you can consult the books that are available for requisition and on which shelf they are: https://bibliotecas.ipb.pt/
To order books at the library counter, you only need to present the IPB card to identify yourself.
To develop academic works you can also search the IPB digital scientific repository at https://bibliotecadigital.ipb.pt/ and the Online Knowledge Library b-on: : https://www.b-on.pt/
In the Documentation and Libraries Services, you can find other electronic resources and services that can help you, available at: http://www.ipb.pt/bibliotecas